Increased Cash Flows & Profits

Increased Cash Flows & Profits

Engineering greater profits and cash flows into existing and new business models is the primary driver and value behind everything RedBaron will do for your company or division.

Any ongoing erosion of your company’s profit and cash flow is symptomatic of attritions or imbalances within your company and business model. The causes of this imbalance may be reoccurring product or supply chain pitfalls, uncontrolled expenses, human resource errors or laziness, flawed activity based costing (ABC), undetected fraud or theft, or more simply a “management-by-lifestyle” approach.

Please be prepared to be challenged. RedBaron asks the toughest questions, engages the most profitable endeavors, and audits your day-to-day business model using sound math, analysis, and logic that can be uncomfortable at first. This “tough love” approach typically leads to more discipline and greater profits quickly.

A RedBaron ICFP Engagement will identify the attritions and imbalances hidden within your company, and implement an intensive operational policy and “cash register” practices analysis to increase your cash flows and profits. This work may include conferring with your internal or external accounting and legal team, so do have them and their contact information ready.

To be clear, RedBaron does NOT broker or refer financial services, insurance, tax advice, loans, start-up capital, or investments of any kind. Our focus is solely on your top line sales, cost reduction and risk mitigation, and gross income (EBITDA) performances.

Following a completed discovery phase engagement, RedBaron recommendations will help your company sustain increased cash flows and profits.

Contact RedBaron Consulting, LLC in writing to explain briefly the most pressing concerns and challenges facing your business or organization this fiscal year via