Targeted Public Relations, RedBaron style

Targeted Public Relations, RedBaron style

Ultimately, RedBaron will transform your company or division into an elegant marketing, public relations, media, and editorial press leader.

By sitting in on key PR meetings with you and your team, RedBaron re-engineers outdated, inconsistent, ineffective, and non-segmented marketing campaigns.

With 26+ years of experience, RedBaron offers inspired solutions to your online marketing, public relations, and physically printed needs, which includes strategic narrative and literature development, new logo redesign, expert photography and video, beautiful CMYK printing, total website redesign, colorful advertising, and even elegant hand-addressed, hand-stamped direct mail.

In today’s economy, astute marketing and public relations materials must be aligned with internal finance, branding, HR, and operational strategies first.

With pinpoint accuracy, your markets are targeted and reached with uber-effective communications, customized artwork, and engaging press releases. RedBaron’s specialty is earning industry-leading, front cover, nationally viewed news for our clients.

Engaging RedBaron for your creative media and re-branding needs will save you considerable time, money, and media management headaches — while maintaining single-sourced privacy and consultative alignment with your accounting, legal, and finance counsel.

To review our 26+ year portfolio, contact us in writing for a face-to-face meeting via For security reasons, our client work is not posted or available online.

RedBaron Consulting, LLC was founded in 1991 by Baron Christopher Hanson, a nationally recognized growth strategy, turnaround management, and PR expert. A former Rugby player (16 years), Baron has been a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, SmartBrief, Switch and Shift, and a variety of renowned news sources and publications. Baron graduated twice, with honors, from Harvard University.