RedBaron Turnaround Strategy

RedBaron Turnaround Strategy

RedBaron’s roots are deeply planted in turnaround strategy, workout management, and financial restructuring. RedBaron Turnaround Strategy redirects companies or divisions toward realizing their full operations potential, new sales goals, and sustainable profitability –– immediately and aggressively.

A RedBaron Turnaround Strategy Engagement enables owners of under-performing companies to confront poor results quickly, stem losses, restructure operations, remove problems carefully, and ideally return to stable profitability.

Pending the length of your Turnaround Strategy Engagement, RedBaron advises, consults, and coaches business owners –– and their staff –– how and where they might strategically re-orient, restructure, or re-emerge as a profitable business entity.

Please be prepared to be challenged. RedBaron asks the toughest questions, engages the most profitable endeavors, and enhances your turnaround potential using sound math, analysis, and logic. Business turnarounds are usually not possible without a pragmatic, unbiased, and experienced third-party such as RedBaron, who must be in sync with your expert accounting and legal counsel upfront. Please prepare for us to contact them immediately.

Turnaround planning is a core RedBaron competency that employs a variety of experienced disciplines, urgent frameworks, and aggressive strategies adaptable to each client situation, the goal being new profits and lower costs as soon as possible.

The pace, volume, and overtime required is rather challenging and may be uncomfortable. Some partners, employees, and people close to the situation may become irrational and upset. Turnaround changes may be especially difficult for some to accept. Unqualified, inexperienced, uneducated, unwilling, and especially dishonest personnel will become downright enraged when confronted with the truths and due diligence of a Turnaround Strategy Engagement.

RedBaron believes a successful and profitable outcome for your company is worth this extra effort, challenge, and short-term pain of change.

With over 26+ years of experience with small- and mid-sized business turnarounds, our approach is to audit every under-performing aspect of a business –– which typically requires a 30-, 60-, to 90-hour Discovery & Engagement Phase –– in order to ascertain how and if your business may be saved.

Complete and organic financials are required upfront, along with a Discovery & Engagement Phase retainer. Please contact RedBaron in writing with a brief summary of your pressing needs and desired outcomes via via